25 de junio de 2007
Hoy vais a ser sujetos de mis experimentos... vamos a probar a incluir la letra de la canción del lunes, a ver que tal queda.

La canción elegida para tal menester ha sido Needy Girl de Chromeo, todo un clásico dentro de mi biblioteca musical, que se remonta a mis tiempos oscuros en los que ordenaba mi música por playlist dentro de Winamp corriendo bajo el infame XP.

Por Jobs, que poco echo de menos aquellos tiempos.

Chromeo - Needy Girl

Wanna play yourself and no one else - Alright (A A A Alright)
And You Wanna go out wanna scream and shout Tonight (To to Tonight)
You Want some space like get out of my face Alright (A A A Alright)
And you want me back put your life on track - Tonight (To o oonight)

You're a needy girl I can tell when I look in your big brown eyes
You Want my world but how can I do yours if I can't do mine
I Try to change but somehow it don't matter i dont feel the same
it's all about what you want what you say how you feel how you play the game

You're a needy girl and you want my world
I Try to change
But its not the same


When you're home alone, you don't answer the phone Alright
(Aaa Alright)
But its like a crime if I don't answer mine Tonight (Too o Tonight)
So you found a man and he is more than a friend Alright (Aaa Alright)
But you still call me for some t-l-c Tonight (Tooo Tonight)

You're a needy girl I can tell when I look in your big brown eyes
You want my world but how can I do yours if I cant do mine
I try to change but somehow I dont feel the same
Its all about what you want what you say what you fel what how play the game

You're a needy girl
And you want my world
I try to change
but its not the same


Publicado por Fr4n | Permalink|

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