3 de septiembre de 2007
Mal rollo me trae esta canción, pero que muy mal rollo.

El caso es que no acabo de entender si esta sensación que siento es causada por la canción, que tiene una letra un tanto apocalíptica, para que negarlo, o por el vídeo...

Pero bueno, de eso trata la música, de transmitir sensaciones.

The Knife - We Share Our Mother's Health

We came down from the north
Blue hands and a torch
Red wine and food for free
A possibility
We share our mothers' health
It is what we've been dealt
What's in it for me?
Then I'll agree

Trees there will be
Apples, fruits maybe
You know what I fear
The end is always near


Say you like it
Say you need it
When you don't
Looking better
Shining brighter
Than you do

(Repeat the 'Say you like it' sequence
with the 'Trees there will be' sequence until end...)


Publicado por Fr4n | Permalink|

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