28 de septiembre de 2007
· Lamentablemente la dirección de este blog debe comunicar que en el día de hoy se ha visto en la obligación de no publicar foto alguna puesto que parece ser no tiene los derechos para ello.
· Bueno esto ya pasa de castaño oscuro... un sopapo a cada uno y arreglo esto.


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24 de septiembre de 2007
Estaba yo el otro día viendo en las noticias un reportaje sobre el pocero y sus mil y una viviendas, cuando saturado ya hasta las narices decido hacer zapping y me encuentro con este vídeo.

Como podéis comprobar no hay quien se libre de el, la fama del pocero ya se extiende más allá de las fronteras de nuestra querida España. Eso si, para el extranjero se ha buscado un nombre con mucho más glamour que el que tiene por estos lares.

Kaiser Chiefs - Ruby

(Da da daaa, da da daaa)

(Da da daaa, da da daaa)

Let it never be said
That romance is dead
Cause there's so little else
Occupying my head
There is nothing I need
Except the function to breathe
But i'm not really fussed
Doesn't matter to me

Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby

Do you, do you, do you, do you?
Know what you're doing (doing) to me?
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby

Due to lack of interest
Tomorrow is cancelled
Let the clocks be reset
And the pendulums held
Cause there's nothing at all
Except the space in between
Finding out what you're called
And repeating your name

Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
Do you, do you, do you, do you?
Know what you're doing (doing) to me?
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby

Could it be, could it be that you're joking with me
And you don't really see you and me
Could it be, could it be that you're joking with me
And you don't really see you with me


Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
Do you, do you, do you, do you?
Know what you're doing (doing) to me?
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
Do you, do you, do you, do you
Ahaa-ahaa-aaaa (da da da, da da da)
Know what you're doing (doing) to me?
Ahaa-ahaa-aaaa, aaaa (da da da)


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21 de septiembre de 2007
· Deberás construir un arca y en ella meter a dos animales de cada especie.
· Políticos también?


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17 de septiembre de 2007
De todos es sabido, y si no lo sabéis os lo digo yo ahora, mi pasión por la F1. Sigo esta competición desde mediados de los 90 cuando apenas tenia 10 años y son fan de F. Alonso desde que lo veía correr por las tardes en la 2 en la formula Nissan.

El caso es que tras ver como se desarrollaban los acontecimientos desde el G.P. de Hungria y despues leer esta entrada en Racingpasion, me he dado cuenta de que la canción de hoy interpreta bastante bien la situación del equipo McLaren... un subordinado sublevado y otro que hace cualquier cosa con tal de caer en la gracia de su jefe.

Espero que la historia no acabe igual.

Kasabian - Empire

Too much information
Well I said you're good for nothing
Come on to the back
I said your needles count for something
Guess I'd better tell you now
Guess I'd better be around

Singing for your questions
But you've stolen all of my answers
Too much entertainment drove
and thats not all the colour
Tell me that you've seen a ghost
I'll tell you what to fear the most

I said it's happening again!
We're all wasting away!
We're all wasting away!

Too much information
Well I said you're good for nothing
Stitch your part of counterfeit
I said your far out here
Taking at the roads
Where you're taken for the simple codes

Swimming with the fishes
While the serpent waves his tongue
With a belly full of splinters
Now you see that I'm the one
Tell me that you've seen a ghost
I'll tell you what to fear the most

I said it's happening again!
We're all wasting away!
We're all wasting away!



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14 de septiembre de 2007
· Hmm?! Un descuento del 0% significa que no te cobran nada?
· Si... mas o menos viene a decir eso.


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10 de septiembre de 2007


(Del lat. pogo).

1. m. Baile consistente en saltar y chocarse unos contra otros al ritmo de la música.

2. m. Canción del dúo alemán Digitalism. De estilo indie-electro, esta canción es capaz de calar hasta los huesos y transmitir la energía necesaria para afrontar la semana final de exámenes.

Digitalism - Pogo


Now where has it been
I mean the good old wild days
Became a bit too lame
Just take a look at my place
It's such a mess
But i'll be outta this space as soon as you tell me where the night is
You have to set up
Bring it on

Yeah, woohoo
There's something in the air

There's something in the air
Yeah, woohoo
There's something in the air

It's been quite of a while since i could experience your brightness
Now you've got a brighter smile and i think i'm going to like it
Talking 'bout the better things, you know how to maximize
Everything around you will become supersized
You have to set up
Away from
what matters
And get it prepared

Yeah, woohoo
There's something in the air
There's something in the air
There's something in the air
Yeah, Woohoo
There's something in the air
'Cause i've been dreaming we could be the fire for this night
Can't stop
You have to set up

We could get so wasted if you would have come
(Bring it on)
We could get so wasted if you would have come
We could get so wasted if you would have come
(Set Up)
We could get so wasted if you would have come
(You have to set up)
We could get so wasted if you would have come
(Bring it on)
We could get so wasted if you would have come
We could get so wasted if you would have come
(Set Up)
We could get so wasted if you would have come
(You have to set up)


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7 de septiembre de 2007
· Dos semanas seguidas con renders, ¿no podrías poner una foto de verdad?
· Como poder, podría...


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3 de septiembre de 2007
Mal rollo me trae esta canción, pero que muy mal rollo.

El caso es que no acabo de entender si esta sensación que siento es causada por la canción, que tiene una letra un tanto apocalíptica, para que negarlo, o por el vídeo...

Pero bueno, de eso trata la música, de transmitir sensaciones.

The Knife - We Share Our Mother's Health

We came down from the north
Blue hands and a torch
Red wine and food for free
A possibility
We share our mothers' health
It is what we've been dealt
What's in it for me?
Then I'll agree

Trees there will be
Apples, fruits maybe
You know what I fear
The end is always near


Say you like it
Say you need it
When you don't
Looking better
Shining brighter
Than you do

(Repeat the 'Say you like it' sequence
with the 'Trees there will be' sequence until end...)


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